A showcase for errors reporting using Effect.


Custom loader

We will use a custom loader taking an effect as parameter and returning a promise containing data or an object containing the effect error details.
Effect loader
import { type LoaderFunctionArgs } from '@remix-run/server-runtime';
import { Effect, pipe } from 'effect';
import { captureErrors, prettyPrint } from 'effect-errors';
import { getSpansDuration } from './logic/get-spans-duration';
import { remixThrow } from './logic/remix-throw';
export const effectLoader =
  <A, E>(effect: (args: LoaderFunctionArgs) => Effect.Effect<A, E>) =>
  async (args: LoaderFunctionArgs) =>
    await Effect.runPromise(
        Effect.map((data) => ({ _tag: 'success' as const, data })),
        Effect.catchAll((cause) => {
          // Serverside logging
          const errorsText = prettyPrint(cause, { stripCwd: true });
          // Getting errors data to display it client side
          const { errors } = captureErrors(cause, {
            reverseSpans: true,
            stripCwd: true,
          // Computing spans duration ...
          const errorsWithSpanDuration = errors.map(
            ({ errorType, message, stack, spans }) => ({
              type: errorType,
              spans: getSpansDuration(spans),
          return Effect.succeed({
            _tag: 'error' as const,
            data: errorsWithSpanDuration,
Remix throw
import { json } from '@remix-run/server-runtime';
import { match } from 'ts-pattern';
import {
} from '../types/effect-loader.types';
import { stringifyErrorsMessage } from './stringify-errors-message';
type RemixThrowInput<A> = EffectLoaderSuccess<A> | EffectLoaderError;
const effectHasSucceeded = <A>(
  p: RemixThrowInput<A>,
): p is EffectLoaderSuccess<A> => p._tag === 'success';
export const remixThrow = <A>(input: RemixThrowInput<A>) =>
      (p) => effectHasSucceeded(p),
      ({ data }) => data,
    .otherwise(({ data }) => {
      throw json(
          type: 'effect',
          errors: stringifyErrorsMessage(data as never),
          status: 500,

Using our loader

We can then use our loader inside a route:
Route loader
export const loader = effectLoader(({ request }) =>
  Effect.withSpan('my-route-loader', {
    attributes: {
      url: request.url,
      method: request.method,
      body: request.body,
    Effect.gen(function* () {
      // My effect code ...

Displaying effect error details

We can then use an error boundary to display effect errors details:
useErrorsDetails hook
import {
} from '@remix-run/react';
export interface EffectError {
  type?: string;
  message: string;
  stack?: string;
  spans?: {
    name: string;
    attributes: Record<string, unknown>;
    duration: bigint | undefined;
const isEffectError = (
  error: unknown,
): error is {
  data: {
    type: 'effect';
    errors: EffectError[];
} => (error as { data?: { type?: 'effect' } })?.data?.type === 'effect';
export const useErrorDetails = () => {
  const { pathname } = useLocation();
  const error = useRouteError();
  if (isEffectError(error)) {
    return {
      _tag: 'effect' as const,
      path: pathname,
      errors: error.data.errors,
  const isRoute = isRouteErrorResponse(error);
  if (isRoute) {
    return {
      _tag: 'route' as const,
      path: pathname,
      errors: [
          message: `${error.statusText}`,
  if (error instanceof Error) {
    return {
      _tag: 'error' as const,
      path: pathname,
      errors: [error],
  return {
    _tag: 'unknown' as const,
    path: pathname,
    errors: [{ message: 'Unknown Error' }],
Remix error boundary
import { match } from 'ts-pattern';
import type { EffectError } from './useErrorDetails.code-sample';
import { useErrorDetails } from './useErrorDetails.code-sample';
type EffectErrorDetailsProps = Pick<EffectError, 'type' | 'message' | 'spans'>;
const EffectErrorDetails = ({
}: EffectErrorDetailsProps) => (
    {type} {message}{' '}
    {spans?.map(({ name, duration, attributes }, spanIndex) => (
      <div key={spanIndex}>
        <div>{duration !== undefined ? `~ ${duration} ms` : ''}</div>
            .filter(([, value]) => value !== null)
            .map(([key, value], attributeNumber) => (
              <div key={attributeNumber}>
                <span>{key}</span>: {JSON.stringify(value)}
const isEffectErrors = (
  p: ReturnType<typeof useErrorDetails>,
): p is { _tag: 'effect'; path: string; errors: EffectError[] } =>
  p._tag === 'effect';
export const ErrorBoundary = () => {
  const errors = useErrorDetails();
  return match(errors)
    .when(isEffectErrors, ({ errors }) => (
        {errors.map((e, errorIndex) => (
          <EffectErrorDetails key={errorIndex} {...e} />
    .otherwise(({ errors }) => (
        {errors.map(({ message }, errorIndex) => (
          <li key={errorIndex}>{message}</li>